The yellow anaconda is also known as Paraguayan Anaconda. The scientific name of the yellow anaconda is Eunectes notaeus. It is derived from the Greek word. The yellow anaconda is the species of boa endemic. The native place of yellow anaconda is southern South America. It is also one of the largest snakes in the world, but smaller than Green Anaconda. Currently there are no sub species are recognized.
Yellow anacondas are non venomous like all boas and pythons. But, it kills its prey by constriction.
The adult yellow anaconda average length is 3.3 meters to 4.4 meters (10.8 feet to 14.4 feet). In yellow anaconda, females are larger than male yellow anacondas. The female yellow anaconda length is up to 4.6 meters (15.1 feet). The yellow anaconda colors are yellow, golden tan or in greenish yellow ground. Yellow anacondas are overlaid with the series of black or dark brown saddles, spots, streaks and blotches.

Some of the animals hunt and eat green juvenile anacondas like caimans, jaguars, larger anacondas, cougars, canids like crab eating fox, raptors and mustelids etc.
The yellow anacondas are mostly lives in the drainage of the Paraguay River and its tributaries. It also lives in Pantanal region in Bolivia around the Paraguay River.
Similarly, it also lives in the western Brazil to north-eastern Argentina and Northern Uruguay. It mostly prefers aquatic habitats that include swamps, marshes and the bush covered of the slowly moving streams and rivers.
The yellow anacondas are mostly lives in shallow water in wetlands. It is mostly active from June to November when the flooding has been subsided. The wading birds are the most common prey for yellow anacondas. They eat exclusively aquatic and non aquatic species which are including a wide variety of mammals, reptiles, fish, birds, eggs and amphibians. The larger anacondas can eat larger animals like capybaras, brocket deer or peccaries etc.
The yellow anacondas are fewer predators.
In some species of yellow anacondas are killed by humans for its skin. The yellow anacondas are dangerous to humans due to its unpredictable behavior. In 2012 in USA yellow anaconda’s import, transportation and sale of the species across the country lines are banned.
The yellow anacondas are solitary snakes and it can be active during the both day and night. The yellow anacondas are oviparous and it gives birth to the live young ones. The yellow anacondas are usually breed between the months of April to May only. In this time females produce pheromones that which attracts the males.
In breed time yellow anacondas will form the breeding balls.
In breeding time male and female anacondas are stay together till the month. The males are interested to compete for the females and usually stronger than females. The largest male anacondas will breed into the female anacondas. The female yellow anacondas give birth to 4 to 82 young anacondas.
Gestation period lasts as long a 6 months time to give birth to new ones. After giving birth to the young ones, mother will leave the young ones and live own.
The yellow anacondas will become reproductively maturity when they are 3 years to 4 years old.
The yellow anacondas have heat sensing pits that are located along with their tongue. They use these pits to find their food by detecting the body heat of the warm blooded animals. The yellow anacondas can’t hear well. They get the vibrations through their jaws.
The new born anacondas are bigger than the babies of most of the snakes in the world. They are 1% size of their mother body. The yellow anaconda usually killed by the humans who are afraid of this snake. Although according to the myth the anacondas are the kill and eat humans, but there is no proper evidence for this statement.