The central ranges taipan snakes are also known as western desert taipan. It is a species of Taipan described by Australian researchers Paul Doughty, Brad Maryan, Stephen Donnellan and Mark Hutchinson. Central Range Taipan snakes are very large, fast and extremely venomous Australian snakes. Central ranges taipan snakes were named as one of the top five new species by the International Institute for Species Exploration at Arizona State University in 2007.

The central ranges taipan snakes have a brown lightweight body and a pale head that resembles the coastal taipan.
It has vague dark markings on their body. The height of Central Ranges Taipan is 3 to 8 feet and some were exceed this height. The central ranges taipan snakes fangs are long and the head is rectangular. Juvenile taipan snakes look like miniature versions of their adult counterparts. Central ranges do not accurately measure the venom of taipan snakes. But this poison is very dangerous.
The scientific name of the central ranges taipan snakes are Oxyuranus.
That means sharp arch derived from the Greek. It represents to the shape of the snakes palate in the top of the mouth. The central ranges taipan snakes are closely related to the inland taipan snakes. The coastal ranges taipan snakes and the inland taipan snakes are within the same genus. The adult female taipan is 1.3 meters (4.3 feet) average length that was captured by the Spinifex people from the Tjuntjuntjara aboriginal community.
The 1st coastal ranges taipan snakes specimen was found in juvenile that was measured more than 3 feet long. It will mostly look like brown snake until the pale head was noticed. The 2nd specimen was found in 2010. It was found in 260 miles north of the first specimen. That is an adult specimen and have more than 4 feet long.
Central ranges taipan snakes will reproduce in the late year.
It is lays eggs in a burrow or under a rock or log. The baby central taipan snakes will hatch. A few months later it is the ability to produce the venom and hunt by own. The Central Range Taipan snake is used to have few predators in the wild. The baby snakes used to be vulnerable to the preys like birds and the other carnivores.
Central ranges taipans are mostly found in western central Australia.
It is intersects the three provinces of Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia. It is the desert habitat that is covered in a lot of shrubs and grasses. It is a very remote place to the humans to live in that place.
The central ranges taipans are considered as a least concerned species by the IUCN Red List.
Central ranges taipan snakes population was completely unknown because very few specimens are discovered. It doesn’t appear to face any major threats in the wild.