Inland taipan snakes are also known as western taipan snakes. It is a medium size snake but looks like a fierce snake. These snakes can be found in various colors ranging from dark brown to olive green.
The scales on the taipan’s body are black with edges. Some of these snakes change their body seasonally. Dark colored snakes produce more heat to survive the cold winter months.
The taipan habitat is in cracked clay soil and they mostly take shelter in burrows that was made by other animals. These snakes are mostly living in the country region of Queensland and in Coongie lakes in South Australia.

The Inland taipan snakes are deadly snakes.
It won’t attack humans until it is provoked. To make their presence, these snakes are usually put their bodies in a curving position.
The inland taipan snakes are one of the most dangerous snakes in the world.
These snakes are rarely come into contact with humans. Female snakes are lay up to 12 to 24 eggs in abandoned burrows or in cracks. This venom is composed of a cocktail of enzymes that can be paralyzed the nerves and cause severe bleeding.
In Melbourne the common wealth serum laboratory has developed a standard estimate of the strangeness of this snake poison. This lab conducted tests on live taipan snakes to measure how much venom will release in a single attack.
The inland taipan snakes bite can inject poison maximum of 0.025 mg only. But, just one bite can kill a person very easily.
Inland taipan snakes venom that is very dangerous and has easy to kill humans. The inland taipan snakes are small fangs and teeth that are fraction of an inch long. These fangs are hollow and very sharp at the tip. It can easily inject the poison deep into their prey.
The inland taipan snake prefers to escape from the trouble. But it is extremely very dangerous snake due to its behavior when it sees the humans. When it comes to the contact with the humans it first give a warning by raising its fore body in a tight S-shape curve with its head. If human’s threat was ignored then it will attack.
The favorite food of Inland taipan snake is a long haired Rat. Rattus villosissimus is a scientific name of long haired rats. These snakes make one or several bites at the same time.
The Symptoms of this snake bite are starts from headache, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, collapse and then paralysis. There are very less people who are bitten by the Inland taipan snakes.