The king cobra snakes are one of the elapid snake species. The scientific name of King Cobra is Ophiophagus Hanna. It is a highly venomous snake that is found mostly in the jungles of South and Southeast Asia. It is very dangerous compared to other cobras.

Cobra Snake It is easy to identify this snake with the help of its size and neck patterns.
It is the longest snake in the world with an average length of 3.18 meters to 4 meters (10.4 feet to 13.1 feet). It rises up to a maximum height of 5.85 meters (19.2 feet) and whistles to warn others.
The king cobra snakes does not normally attack humans.
If King Cobras are frightened or cornered, they can become very aggressive. King cobras are very aggressive even during the breeding season. When they are threatened it raises the front of their body perpendicular to the ground.
The skin color of the king cobra varies from black to brownish gray with white stripes as it adapts to its natural environment. It eats other snakes and their own species. Compared to lowland taipan snakes, it rarely kills other vertebrates. King cobras also eat rodents and lizards.
The king cobra also makes hissing noises to make its presence known. If a king cobra bites an elephant’s trunk or toe, the elephant will die within 3 hours. This snake can also recognize its keeper and predict feeding time.
A king cobra can attack its target even from a long distance if provoked.
It usually looks or hides to escape from humans. It releases its venom in large quantities and can kill any animal or human very easily. It is also known as the national reptile of India.
This king cobra species is mostly found in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Since 2010 the King Cobra has been listed as the most vulnerable snake.
The king cobra is olive green in color with black and white stripes on the head and trunk. 15 dark colored and black edged shields cover the King Cobra’s head. A king cobra has 3 to 5 jaw teeth. The upper jaw has two rows of canines and the lower jaw has two rows. The nostrils are between the two shields. It has golden iris colored round eyes.
The king cobra is covered with olive green scales with a smooth surface.
It has two black spots between the two lowest scales. The tail is cylindrical in shape, yellowish green above and marked with black. It has a large pair of occipital scales on the top of the head. It has smooth sloping scales on the neck with 17 to 19 rows on the body.
A mature king cobra looks very large and bulky. It extends its jaws to swallow larger animals. It has two small and fixed fangs in front of the mouth. It weighs about 6 kg (13 pounds). The largest and largest wild cobra caught at the Royal Island Club.
The king cobra, like other snakes, receives the chemical information of its prey through its forked tongue.
It absorbs their scent particles and transfers them to a sensory receptor in the roof of its mouth. It has a flexible jaw which helps in swallowing the prey whole.
The king cobra is not a very aggressive creature so it does not usually attack humans. But when threatened, it attacks to protect itself. It becomes very aggressive when protecting its eggs. If anyone tries to harm its eggs, it will immediately attack and protect its eggs. It releases powerful neurotic venom that can kill anything in less than 30 minutes after being bitten.