The Afaird Dog is a mixed breed created by crossing between the Afghan Hound and the Briard. There are very few dog breeds of this type. Afaird dog has two parent traits. Afaird dogs are medium to large, often 23 to 27 inches tall. It weighs between 55 to 88 pounds. An Afaird dog has strong legs, a long muscle and a sickle cell tail.
The fur is usually black, brown or grey. The hairs are thick and wiry. It has dark eyes and forward-turning ears, but the appearance of this dog depends on their parents. It has a strong personality marked by intelligence and a very protective attitude towards its human family members.
Afaird dog has very high energy levels. Potential adopters should keep on the exercise routines by Araird dog. This dog energy is constant and a good choice for an active household purpose.
The Afaird dog makes a great guard dog with their intelligence, protectiveness and loyalty to their owners and home. They are very soft and affectionate. This is beneficial for owners with small children.

The average lifespan of Afaird dog is 10 years to 12 years.
These are medium sized dogs with very good genes in their blood. Afaird is a very energetic dog, so this dog’s endless energy is perfect for owners who like to go for long walks and play sports. The Afaird dogs behave according to their training.
The Afaird dogs of all ages can become dangerous if not properly trained.
Breeding Afaird dog to fight other dogs or guard drug houses or attack people is illegal, but it still happens in some places. Little Afaird puppies are very loving and trusting around the people.
Afaird can get along with other dogs but it does not get along well with other dogs.
If the dogs fight, the Afaird dog will hurt the other dogs. If properly trained as a puppy Afaird dogs, then the Afaird dog can get along with other dogs. It is best to stay away from Afaird dog while it is sleeping.
Every dog should be treated with special care when it is young. Afaird dog should maintain a proper diet. It is better to feed salmon or flaxseed oil to strengthen their thick coat.
The Afaird dog breed is fully grown at 18 to 24 months.
Afaird dogs take 3 years to reach their full height and weight. Afraid puppies usually experience a fear around 8 to 11 weeks. The fear period will continue when they went to a new family. Then they adjusting in that home and starting to explore surroundings.
An Afaird dog will lose teeth about 12 weeks and the permanent teeth will come.
All permanent teeth will come at 6 months of age. An Afaird dog can become destructive if bored and left alone for too long. Toys and puzzles help them to keep busy and not bored. Afaird dog is very similar to their parents Afghan and Briard.