The French bull dog is originated from France country. It is a companion dog, but it appears as a toy dog. The weight of male French Bull dog is 9 kg to 14 kg and the female French bull dog is 8 kg to 13 kg. The height of male French bull dog is 27 cm to 35 cm and the female French bull dog is 24 cm to 32 cm. The life span of French bull dog is 10 years to 12 years.

French bull dogs were the breeds in the United Kingdom for the purposes of traditional blood sports like bull baiting that was banned in the year 1835. There are some miniature Bull dogs from the middle of the century their weights are 7 kg to 11 kg. Some French Bull dogs are even underweight.
In 1860 the French bull dogs few left in England. The small French bull dog is gradually thought as one type of breed. They called as a name Bouledogue Francais. French Bull dogs are very popular pets in ancient times especially in Western Europe.
One of the ancestors of bull dogs are the English bull dogs. Until 1885 Americans had been imported French Bull dogs when they were brought over to set up an American based breeding program. French bull dogs were mostly owned by the society ladies. They used to display them at the Westminster Kennel Club dog show in the year 1896.
The American ladies formed the French bull dog club of America.
They created the breed standard that was stated for the first time that is “erect bat ear”. The bull dog was stated by the American Kennel club standard for the French that it should be muscular with loose and soft coat that are forming wrinkles.
The weight of a French bull dog is maximum 28 pounds according to the AKC standards. The head should be large and in square shape. The ears will look like bat ears. They are the flat faced breeds. The eyes are in dark black in color were approved as per AKC standard. There are some blue eyed French bull dogs but they are not approved as AKC standard.
The French bull dog coat has short haired fine and silky.
They are in brindle, cream, pied, black, fawn and blue in colors. The French bull dog get close contact with the humans like other companion dog breeds. If the humans left the French Bull dogs alone for some time they will experience some separation anxiety.
The French bull dog is very patience and affectionate with their owners. French Bulldogs are agreeable dogs so they can live with the other breeds. French bull dogs are human oriented breeds and also very easy to train. But they have some tendencies to be stubborn.
French bull dogs got ranked 58th in Stanley Coren’s in the Intelligence of dogs. The French bull dog that was named as a Princess Jacqueline died in the year 1934.
French bull dogs are disproportionately affected by the health related problems as a consequence of the selective breed.
Brachycephaly was a skull malformation that was increased by the breeding selection. That was led to the occurrence of the brachycephalic airway obstructive syndrome.
The French bull dogs will often put their tongue out for even at slight efforts like walking.
The brachycephalic syndrome causes the French bull dogs to have multiple side effects like difficulty in breathing, snoring and loud breathing. It will happen due to their narrow nostril openings, fairly narrow tracheas and a long soft palate.
Brachycephalic syndrome problem can lead to death in French bull dogs if not treated properly. Treating these dogs and creating a smooth airway to the lungs is a must-do procedure. It takes some of the French bull dog’s soft palate. This procedure provides at least 60% better airway to the lungs.
French bull dogs were easily prone to have a congenital hemivertebrae that was also called as butterfly vertebrae. That will show only on X-ray.
The UK French bull dog Health Scheme was launched on October 2010.
This scheme will consist of 3 levels.
The 1st level was Bronze that was designates a basic veterinary check that covers all the Kennel Club Breed Watch points of the concern for the breed. The 2nd level was Silver that requires a DNA test for the hereditary cataracts, a simple cardiology test and the patella grading. The Final and 3rd level was Gold that requires a hip score and a spine evaluation. It may develop skin fold dermatitis also.
French bull dogs sometimes require an artificial insemination. It will frequently get Caesarean section to give birth. Over 80% of litters will be delivered by this way only.