The bull dog is originated from the United Kingdom country. It is a breed dog of mastiff type. It is also known as English bull dog. Bull dog is in medium with a muscular body. It is a heavy dog with the wrinkled face and an individual pushed-in nose. It is commonly kept as a companion dog. It was in 12th place in the list of most frequently registered worldwide bull dogs in the year 2013.

The bull dog had a long lasting association with the British culture. The BBC wrote that the Bull dog is a national icon to many and it symbolizing pluck and determination. The Prime Minister Winston Churchill was likened the Bull dog for the defiance of the Nazi Germany during the Second World War.
The bull dog Club was formed in the year 1878 in England. The Bull dog Club of America was formed in the year 1890. The Bull dog has been a wide head and wide shoulders that are along with the pronounced by mandibular prognathism. They generally have very thick folds of skin on the brow.
The bull dog has round black and wide set eyes.
It has a short muzzle with the characteristic folds called a rope or nose roll which was above the nose. It has hanging skin under the neck and drooping lips and pointed teeth. It has an under bite with an upward turned jaw.
The bull dog coat was short and sleek. It is flat with the colors of red, white, fawn, brindle and piebald.
According to the United Kingdom bull dog standards are, male Bull dog breed weight is 55 lb (25 kg) and for the female bull dog weight is 50 lb (23 kg). In the United States the typical and mature male bull dog weight was 50 lb (23 kg) and the mature female weight is 40 lb (18 kg). The Bull dog Club of American that will recommends the average weight of a Bull dog is 40 lb to 50 lb (18 kg to 32 kg).
The bull dogs are one of the few breeds with naturally short tail.
It is screwed or thin and is not cut or docked as with some other breeds. If it is downward but not upward A straight tail is the most desirable according to the breed standard which was set forth by the BCA.
According to the American Kennel Club AKC, the bull dog disposition should be equable, kind, courageous and resolute. It should be pacifist and dignified. It will assign countenanced by the expression and by the behavior.
The breeders should have worked to remove their aggression from the bull dogs. They mostly have a friendly, patient and stubborn nature. The Bull dogs were recognized as excellent family pets that were because of their tendency to form the strong bonds with their children.
The bull dogs will get along with the children and with the other dogs and the pets.
The first reference to the Bull dog word was in 1631 or in 1632 that was dated in a letter by the man named Preswick Eaton where he writes that obtains me two good Bull dogs and let them sent by the first ship.
The designation of bull dog was applied due to the dog’s use in the sport of the bull baiting. The Bull dogs are pets that were continually promoted by the dog dealer Bill George.
Bull dogs are starting to show signs of aging around 5 to 6 years of age. Bull dogs are looks very tough, but if they focused on running they can’t do their original work properly.
The bull dog cannot have a grip with a short muzzle. It is not physically capable as their ancestors.
But it has a decreased level of aggression that was compared with the modern bull dogs. Therefore it will be resulted in a far and calmer temperament.
The bull dog has been officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in the year 1886. The Bull dogs need to exercise daily like all the remaining dogs. If it is not getting proper exercise then it will become overweight. It will leads to heart and the lungs problems and as well as stress on the joints.