Disease was a particular abnormal condition. It affects negatively to the structure of the specific part. It is not affected immediately by any external injury. There are mainly 4 types of diseases; they are infectious diseases, deficiency diseases, hereditary diseases (Genetic diseases and Non-genetic hereditary diseases) and physiological diseases.
Diseases were the medical conditions that are associated with specific symptoms and signs.
The Disease may caused by the external factors like pathogens or internal dysfunctions. A malfunctioning of the internal system of the immune system can cause a variety of diseases. It includes the various forms of the immunodeficiency, allergies, autoimmune disorders and hypersensitivity.
Any condition that causes pain, suffering, dysfunction, social problems, or similar problems for those who are in contact with the diseased person can cause diseases. Sometimes a disease can be diagnosed based on characteristic variation of injuries, disorders, deformities, syndromes, infection, isolated symptoms, abnormal behavior, body structure and functions.

In most cases diseases can be identified by symptoms. Diseases can affect people physically and mentally. It makes difficult for them to live and also affect the affected person family. Diseases can be classified as like communicable versus non-communicable diseases. The deadliest disease in the humans is coronary artery disease (CAD). It can cause obstruction of blood flow after cerebrovascular disease and lower respiratory tract infections.
Diseases may caused in developed countries are caused by neuropsychiatric conditions such as depression and anxiety.
The study of diseases is called the pathology which includes the study of etiology or the cause. Medical treatments are the efforts to cure or to improve the disease or the other health problems. In the medical field the therapy is synonymous with the word treatment.
Some diseases like influenza are contagious believed infectious. The microorganisms that will cause these diseases were known as pathogens. It will include the varieties of the bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. Infectious diseases may transmit by the hand and mouth or contact with the infectious material on the surfaces. Contaminated water, food, insects, or contact with an infected person can spread the disease to others.
Many diseases and the disorders can be prevented through the variety of means that include sanitation, adequate exercise, proper nutrition, vaccinations.
Self care, regular use of face mask will protect us from the diseases like covid-19. Infectious diseases were also known as contagious diseases or the communicable diseases. That will contain clinically noticeable illness which was resulting from the infection.
Infectious diseases such as influenza and colds are usually easily spread from one person to another.
Non-communicable diseases won’t spread directly from one person to another person. Cancer and the Heart diseases were the examples for non-communicable diseases in humans. There are some sexually transmitted diseases, but in all the cases the microbes are not readily transmitted from person to person. Some diseases can be prevented with proper nutrition. Immunity can be improved with a good lifestyle and daily exercise.
Some diseases such as cancer, heart disease and mental disorders are not contagious diseases. Many non infectious diseases are partly or completely genetic basis. It may be transmitted from one generation to another.
The bacterial of the tuberculosis has discovered in the 1882. The experts attribute heredity, sedentary lifestyle, depressed mood and social disorders, unsafe sex and alcoholism to the cause of this disease. The malaria was caused by the Plasmodium parasites. There are some deadliest diseases in the world they were AIDS/HIV, Bird flu, Cholera, Dengue Fever, Flu (Influenza), Gastroenteritis, Malaria, Polio, Plague, Rabies, Small Pox, Chicken Pox, Typhoid fever, Yellow fever, Coronary artery disease, stroke, Lower respiratory infections, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease, Respiratory cancers, Diabetes related, Alzheimer disease, Diarrheal disease, Tuberculosis, Cirrhosis, Covid-19, Asthma and Dengue fever etc.