Christmas was an annual festival that was commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated religiously and culturally by billions of Christian people around the world on 25th December every year. In this topic, we covered some information of popular festival Christmas.

Christmas is a major festival of the Christian tradition that occurs once a year. It precedes the Jesus Christ birth and simulates the season of Christmas festival.
In West side countries Christmas lasts for 12 days and it will end on 12th night. In many countries Christmas day was a public holiday and it was celebrated religiously by the majority of the Christians.
Many non-Christians are also celebrating this Christmas festival culturally and with great pomp. This festival is also known as the birth of Jesus Christ.
The Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem with the messianic prophecies. He was born to the people Mary and Joseph.
The news was announced by the angels to the shepherds there that the Christ child would be soon born, then they spread the word to everyone. There are so many different types of hypotheses with date of Jesus birth in early 4th century.
Christmas was celebrate 25th December date was the traditional date of the winter solstice on Roman calendar.
Christians are celebrating Christmas on 25th December according to the Gregorian calendar. This was adopted universally in the civil calendar that was used in the countries throughout the world.
Christmas was celebrated in different countries according to their customs with a mixture of Christian secular themes and origins. During the Christmas festival, people wear new clothes and celebrate very happily. On this festival they give gifts to each other.
Each others Christmas cards are exchanged on Christmas Day.
On this occasion special arrangements done and clean the nearby churches. On this festival, the church is beautifully decorated, Christmas music is played and the glories of Jesus Christ are conveyed to the devotees.
To celebrate popular festival Christmas, peoples are used Christmas trees, Christmas lights, garlands etc.
Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas and Christkind all make people happy by giving gifts to everyone on Christmas festival. The importance of Christmas festival is further enhanced by the giving of gifts.
Christmas is a crucial day for retailers and businesses because of the holiday season.
Christmas has gradually become more popular in many parts of the world over the past few centuries. The first Christmas festival was celebrated in Rome on December 25, AD 336. Due to the drunkenness and the other misbehavior Christmas was banned in Puritan England. The Puritan was considered it as a Catholic invention. Again in 1660 Puritan legislation was declared and restored 25th December as a public holiday in England.