Google founder Sergey Brin full name was Sergy Mikhailovich Brin. He was born in Moscow in the Soviet Union in 21st August 1973. He was a most popular computer scientist, business magnate and entrepreneur. Sergey Brin parents were Mikhail Brin (Father) and Eugenia Brin (Mother). Their family came from the Russian Jewish.
Sergey Brin parents were both graduates of Moscow State University (MSU). In University of Maryland his father was a retired mathematics professor.
The family of Sergey Brin resided in a central Moscow apartment with 3 rooms with Sergey’s grandmother. After his father had returned from the mathematics conference in Poland, Warsaw, Mikhail Brin announced that it was time for the family to emigrate.
Their family had formally applied for their exit visa in the year 1978 September. On that time, his father had got fired. For some reasons his mother left her job. After that, 8 months they had lived without any steady income. In that time, they are granted with official exit visas. They are allowed to leave the country in the year 1979 May.
Sergey Brin family had lived in Vienna (Capital of Astria) and Paris. Mikhail Brin had secured teaching position at University of Maryland. For this job, his father received help from American mathematician Anatole Katok.

Google founder Sergey Brin family had received the support and the assistance from the Ebrew immigrant Aid Society. They have arrived in the United States on the year October 25, 1979.
Sergey Brin’s mother name was Eugenia she was diagnosed with the Parkinson’s disease. He had decided to make the donation to the University of Maryland School of the Medicine. His mother had received treatmentin that hospital. Sergy Brin had donated over $ 1 billion to the fund research of the disease according to the Forbes.
Sergey Brin had attended to the elementary at the Paint Branch Montessoru School in Adelphi in Maryland. He had received his further education at home. Brin father who was a professor in mathematics had encouraged him to learn mathematics.
Sergey Brin received his Bachelor of Science from the Bachelor Department of Computer Science in 1993 from the University of Maryland. He received this degree at the age of 19. He received honors in computer science and mathematics.
Sergey Brin had interned at the Wolfram Research that the developers of Mathematica in the year 1993. Brin had begun his graduation in computer science at Stanford University. He had received a graduate fellowship from the National Science Foundation. He received a degree an M.S in computer science in 1995.
Sergey Brin got married to the biotech analyst and the entrepreneur Anne Wojcicki in the Bahamas in the year 2007. They both had a son in 2008 and a daughter in 2011.
Sergey Brin and the Wojcicki had finalized their divorce in the year 2015 June. Later He had married Nicole Shanahan in 7th November 2018. She was a legal tech founder. They had a daughter in 2018. Sergey Brin and Shanahan had got separated on December 15, 2021. He filed for the divorce on January 4, 2022.
Sergey Brin and the Wojcicki although they were divorced but still they both jointly run The Brin Wojcicki Foundation. They had donated enormously to the Michael J. Fox Foundation. He had given $1 million to support the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society in the year 2009.
Sergey Brin was a donor to the Democratic Party candidates and organizations. He donated $5,000 to the Barack Obama’s re-election campaign. He donated $30,800 to the DNC.
Sergey Brin had become very interested in the blockchain technology. According to the CNBC channel report, He had built a gaming computer along with his son to mine Ethereum. He had invested $4.5 million in Space Adventures in June 2008, in a Virginia-based space tourism company.
Sergey Brin and Larry Page had jointly owned a customized Boeing 767-200 and the Dassault or the Dornier Alpha Jet.
They pay $1.3 million per year to house them. Two Gulfstream V Jets were owned by the Google executives at the Moffett Federal Airfield. The aircraft had scientific equipment installed by NASA to allow experimental data to be collected in flight.