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Complete information about green anaconda

  • Snakes

Green anacondas are also known as the common anaconda, the giant anaconda, the common water boa or sucuri. Green anacondas are one of the scientific name is Eunectes murinus. Green anacondas came from the family of Boidae. These are the boa species that are found in the South America. Here is the some information about green anaconda.

Information about green anaconda

The green anaconda is one of the longest and heaviest surviving snake species in South America. It is a non-dangerous snake like all boas. This snake has large and muscular body. It can stay without eating any food for some months.

The green anaconda can swallow three times bigger than its own body weight like other yellow and dark spotted anacondas. The size of green anaconda is very big; it can easily attack humans. So, be careful with these types of snakes.

Information about green anaconda Snakes in all topics

The green anaconda is one of the species of anaconda.

It has a narrow head with orange-yellow stripes with a huge green body. Green anaconda eyes and nostrils are located on top of their heads that can help them to see their prey without getting too close. Green anaconda is not that much dangerous, but it can still scare you by its looks. It is the largest native snake in South America.

The adult female green anaconda length is up-to 4.6 meters (15 feet 1 inch). The length of the male green anaconda is 3 meters (9 feet 10 inches). Green anacondas are long up-to 5.21 meters (17 feet 1 inch). According to the reports anacondas are may long up-to 11 meters to 12 meters (35 feet – 40 feet) or even longer also exists.

Green anacondas are mostly aquatic snakes. They mostly eat aquatic creatures.

The anaconda’s mouth was 3 times bigger than its body. It can catch very huge animals easily. This snake listen very keen sounds. It can make hissing noises when it senses a predator. They spend their most of the time near water, but can also eat land based animals.

Anacondas are mostly spends time in water for hunting other animals to their food. They eat fish, birds, and other animals such as deer and caimans. The green anaconda name was derived from the Latin word murinus its meaning is mice, because it mostly eats mice.

These snakes are commonly found in swamps, lakes, and rivers. The Green Anacondas can live in wild for 10 years. In captivity they can live up-to 30 years and above.

The current Guinness Book of World Record is the oldest green anaconda which living in captivity and the age is 37 years 317 days. It is verified by Paul Squires on 14 May 2021. It was at the Montecasino Bird and Reptile Park in Johannesburg South Africa.

The green anaconda is in olive green background that was overlaid with the black blotches along with the length of the body.

The head is in narrow shape with distinctive orange yellow stripes on either side of the body. The Green Anacondas jaw bones are splay open at the front side due to lose connection between the jaws.

Anacondas breathe through the help of windpipes in its mouth while swallowing the prey. The Green Anaconda largest organ is liver. After swallowing the prey it takes many days to digest the complete prey. In this time it will be very lazy and can’t move faster.

In mating season these species are very solitary. The green anacondas are mating in the rainy season from the months of April to May. Female snakes lay down a trail of pheromones for the males.


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