The Olympic Games are the international leading sport events that are featuring summer and winter sports competitions. Thousands of athletes around the world will participate in the variety of Olympic competitions. In this topic we covered top 10 famous Olympic Games in the world only.
The Olympic Games are considered to be the world’s foremost sports competition with more than 200 teams. Here participate many countries and the territories around the world.
The Olympic Games were normally held in every 4 years. Since 1994 the Olympic Games were alternated between the summer and winter for every 2 years during the 4 years period. There are different types of Olympic Games in the world.
Top 10 famous Olympic Games in the world
- Badminton
- Swimming
- Athletics
- Weightlifting
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Volleyball

- Table Tennis
- Tennis
- Rugby
- Badminton was originated from the all of these countries Siam (Thailand), China, India and ancient Greece.
- Badminton sport was mostly developed in British India.
- Badminton was racquet sport.
- Badminton was first played in 19th century.
- Badminton mainly developed, organized and maintained by the Badminton World Federation.

- Badminton game will be played with no contact.
- Badminton game is played by singles or doubles team members.
- Badminton equipment was shuttlecock and racquet.
- Badminton Olympic was started since 1992 – present.
- Badminton world games were started since the year of 1981.
- Swimming was originated from the country of China.
- Swimming team members were team or individuals.
- Swimming will available worldwide.
- Swimming Olympics was started in the year of 1896.
- Swimming world Championships was started in the year of 1973.
- Swimming Paralympics was started in the year of 1960.

- Swimming first competitions was started in the year of 1930.
- Swimming developed, maintained and organized by the FINA
- FINA full form in French language was Fédération Internationale de Natation i.e. International Swimming Federation.
- Athletics means group of sports events that involves competition.
- Athletics mainly developed, maintained and organized by the World Athletics.
- Athletics are played by both men and women.
- Athletics Olympic was started in the year of 1896 i.e. since Olympics inaugural.
- Athletics Paralympics was started in the year of 1960 i.e. since inaugural.
- Athletics Olympic done by outdoor or indoor.

- Athletics Olympics includes running, throwing, jumping and walking.
- The athletics are similar to the sports that were maintaining the historical usage.
- Track and field is preferred in the United States and Canada countries to refer to an athletic event.
- In athletics race-walking and marathon running are also includes as a sport.
- Weightlifting was originated in the country of Brazil.
- Weightlifting was strength sport.
- Weightlifting was available worldwide.
- Weightlifting equipments are barbells, collars, weight plates, chalk, tape, shoes and belt.
- Weightlifting was first developed in Ancient Greece, Egypt, China and India.
- Weightlifting mainly developed, maintained and organized by the International Weightlifting Federation.
- Olympic game weightlifting is done men or women.

- Weightlifting Olympics were started for men in the years of 1896, 1904 and 1920.
- Weightlifting Olympics were started for women in the year of 2000.
- Weightlifting world games were started for women since in the year of 1997.
- Basketball was originated from the country of United States of America.
- Basketball was played in indoor and outdoor also.
- Basketball first played in Springfield, Massachusetts and United States of America.
- Basketball was first played 21st December 1891.
- Basketball total team members were 5.
- Basketball can play by both men and women as separate competitions.

- Basketball venue was indoor court (mainly) or outdoor court (Street ball).
- Basketball Olympic was demonstrated in the year of 1904 and 1924 in summer Olympics as part of the summer Olympic program since 1936.
- Basketball was a Paralympics sport.
- Soccer is also known as football.
- Soccer was originated from the countries of Ancient China, Greece, Rome and Central America.
- Soccer was first played in Mid-19th century in the country of England.
- Soccer team consists of 11 members on one side. (including goalkeeper).
- Soccer equipment was football (or soccer ball), Shin pads.
- Soccer was playing worldwide.
- Men’s Soccer Olympic started in the year of 1900.

- Women’s Soccer Olympic started in the year of 1996.
- Soccer Paralympics was 5-a-side since 2004 and 7-a-side from 1984 to 2006.
- Soccer venue was football pitch and also known as football field, football ground, soccer field, soccer pitch or pitch.
- Soccer is played in separate competitions by men and women.
- Volleyball was originated in the country of United States of America.
- Volleyball was first played in the year of 1895.
- Volleyball was first played in Holyoke and Massachusetts in United States of America.
- Volleyball was team sport or net sport.
- Volleyball was played without any contact.
- Volleyball team total members were 6.

- Volleyball game was played in worldwide.
- Volleyball glossary was glossary of Volleyball.
- Volleyball was started in the year of 1964.
- Volleyball can be played by male or female.
- Volleyball mainly developed, maintained and organized by the FIVB.
- FIVB full form in French language was Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (International Volleyball Federation).
Table Tennis
- Table Tennis was originated from the country of England.
- Table Tennis was racquet sport.
- Table Tennis was an indoor game.
- Table Tennis has singles or doubles team members.
- Table Tennis equipments are table tennis balls, table, paddle, net etc.
- Table Tennis was played without any contact.

- Table Tennis Olympic was started in the year of 1988.
- Table Tennis summer Paralympics was started since inaugural in the year of 1960.
- Table Tennis was developed, maintained and organized by the ITTF.
- ITTF full form was International Table Tennis Federation.
- Tennis was originated from Northern France country.
- Tennis was started in the 12th century.
- Tennis was played both outdoor and indoor.
- Tennis equipments are Ball, racket and net.
- Tennis venue was tennis court.
- Tennis Olympic was part of summer Olympic program from 1896 to 1924.
- Tennis was part of summer Paralympics program since the year of 1992.

- Tennis team members will be single or doubles.
- Tennis won’t have any body contact.
- Tennis played by both men and women.
- Rugby was originated from the country of England.
- Rugby was first played in the countries of England and United Kingdom.
- Rugby contact was full.
- Rugby was Team sport and outdoor.
- Rugby equipments are rugby ball, scrum cap (optional), rugby boots, mouth guard, kicking tee (optional) that was often used by the kickers.

- Rugby venue was rugby field.
- Rugby game was played worldwide.
- Rugby Olympics are part of summer Olympic program in 1900, 1908, 1920 and 1924.
- Rugby sevens was included in the year 2016 and 2020.