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Affen Tzu dog complete information

  • Dogs

Affen Tzu dog is a new breed that was created by the crossing of Affenpinscher and Shih Tzu. Affen Tzu is a new hybrid breed. The parent Affenpinscher dog is an ancient breed that was originated from Germany. It is a very faithful watchdog and it usually very skilled at hunting rats.

Affen Tzu dog was born on 17th century in China and was awarded by the Chinese royalty.

They were not sold or imported to any other country until 1930s. Shih Tzu is one of the trusted dog breeds. Shih Tzu was first introduced to the England by the wife of quarter master general of the north China command in 1928. A male and female were brought from China capital Peking (Beijing) as a gift.

Shih Tzu dog was recognized by the AKC in 1969 while the parent Affenpinscher was recognized in 1936. Shih Tzu has short, square with a small body, it will be deep and broad from the chest. They have round head muscles with long nose like Affenpinscher.

Affen Tzu dog has a lower jaw. It usually appears wide and undershot with less upright teeth that line the nose. It has round eyes with black lips and a black nose. The eyes are proportional to the face and are erect with silky ears.

Affen Tzu Dog breed information in all topics

The Affen Tzu breed is medium to long in length with soft and silky fur, but longer towards the face.

The silky fur and smooth coat should be brushed weekly using a rubber bristled paddle brush to keep it tangle free. Clip hair to make grooming easier.

These Affen tzu dog ears need special care to prevent infections.

Abnormalities should be observed and treated by a veterinarian. Brush once or twice a week. Their nails should be trimmed once or twice a month. Parental Affenpinscher and Shih Tzu dogs also require a lot of maintenance.

Affen Tzu dog temperament is similar to that of their parents.

They are curious, affectionate and fearless. They try to be friendly even with dogs much bigger than them. So we don’t have any problem with new and old pets. Affen Tzu’s are very protective of their food and toys. Children should be supervised around. It has little patience and is prone to biting if someone new approaches them. If it is properly trained, it gets along very well with children and other pets.

Affen Tzu dogs are affectionate and form great bonds with family.

It adjusts their activity needs to fit their family. Affen Tzu are very devoted to their owners and follow their lead. Affen Tzu is a small dog so it doesn’t need big and wide open spaces to run and play. Affen Tzu is a social dog and you can enjoy spending time with this dog. If you spend at least 30 minutes with this dog, all your tensions will go away and you will be very happy.

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