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Beagle dog complete information

  • Dogs

The beagle dog is originated from these 3 countries. They are United Kingdom, Great Britain & England. It is a small scent hound breed. The beagle dog is very similar in the appearance of much larger foxhound. The beagle dog was developed primarily for the hunting is known as beagling. The beagle dog is the first primary breed and it was used/using as a detect anything.

The beagle dog is a great sense of the smell and superior in tracking anything. It is prohibited in the agricultural imports and food stuffs in the quarantine around the world. The Beagle dogs are very intelligent. It is one of the popular pet due to their size.

The beagle dog has good temper and a lack of inherited health problems. The beagle height is 13 inches to 16 inches (33 cm to 41 cm). The modern breed was developed in the Great Britain from several breeds around the year 1830’s. It includes Talbot Hound, the Southern Hound, The North Country Beagle and possibly the Harrier.

Beagle Dog breed information in all topics

The beagle dog is represents in the popular culture since the Elizabeth times.

It is also most active in paintings, literature, recently in films, comic books and television etc. The Beagle dogs have temper and gentle disposition. The Beagle dog was described in several breed standards as a merry.

Beagle dogs are amiable. It is typically aggressive or timid both nature.

This depends on their individuality. Beagle dogs enjoy company and they may initially be standoffish with the strangers. They will easily win over strangers. The Beagle dog is also used as guard dogs.

In the year 1985 study conducted by the Ben and Lynette Hart the Beagle dogs are given as the highest excitability rating comparing with other dogs like Yorkshire Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer, Carin Terrier, Fox Terrier and Highland White Terrier.

Beagle dog is very intelligent. They are mostly bred for long hunting.

Therefore, training a beagle dog becomes difficult. When they have to pick up a scent, it’s hard to recall them. They are easily distracted by the smell around them.

The beagle dog is very alert and responds well to food reward training. Even if they are bored or distracted, they show great interest in learning after giving food. In Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs the Beagle dogs scored 27th rank.

The beagle dogs were very good with the children.

This was the main reason that they were become more popular as family pets. The Beagles are pack animals that can sometimes get anxious. If they are left unattended they are likely to destroy the surroundings. So it is good to keep one eye on them always, no matter what we are doing.

Not all the beagle dogs will howl but mostly they will bark when they oppose with the strange situations. Some Beagle dogs will also referred to as speaking when they catch the scent of the potential quarry. They were generally get well along with the cats and with the other dogs.

They were inbred their stamina, that means they won’t easily tire when they were exercised. They don’t work to exhaustion before they will get rest. Regular exercise with beagle dogs will help prevent the dog from gaining weight.

The typical lifespan of the beagle dog is 12 years to 15 years.

This is a common lifespan of these types of dogs. The Beagles may be prone to epilepsy. But this can often be controlled with the medication. Hypothyroidism and a number of the types of dwarfism occur in the Beagles. When the mother Beagles were gave birth to the litters of the puppies then the little puppies will weigh just a few ounces each.

Beagle dogs are used as the detection dogs in the Beagle brigade from the United States Department of Agriculture. These dogs were used to detect the food items in the luggage that were being taken to the United States. After trailing several dogs Beagles were selected. Because they are very small and do not scare people. No one has trouble taking care of these types of small dogs.

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