Golden retriever dog complete information
The golden retriever dog is originated from the Scotland country. It is a Scottish breed. It is a medium sized dog & used by a common pet in many countries.
The golden retriever dog is originated from the Scotland country. It is a Scottish breed. It is a medium sized dog & used by a common pet in many countries.
The beagle dog is a great sense of the smell and superior in tracking anything. It enjoy company and they may initially be standoffish with the strangers.
The French bull dog is originated from France. It is a companion dog, but it appears as a toy dog. The lifespan of French bull dog is 10 years to 12 years.
Labrador retriever dog is also called as Labrador. It is originated from British. Labrador retriever dogs are very friendly, playful and energetic.
German shepherd dog is also known as Alsatian dog. It is originated from the Germany. It is intelligent, active, active, loyal and self-assured dogs.
Russell’s viper snake is a venomous and came from the family of Viperidae. The scientific name is Daboia russelii. It is mostly see in fields & grasslands.
Yorkshire terrier dog is smallest of the terrier dog breeds. It was discovered in Yorkshire. The lifespan of this dog is 13 years to 16 years.
Affen Tzu dog is a new breed that was created by crossing of Affenpinscher & Shih Tzu. Affen Tzu dog ears need special care to prevent infections.